The Harman Music Methods is a music learning system designed from a Music Framework created by John Lambert Harman. Using this framework, the Harman Music Methods® specialise in designing systems for teaching children and adults musical instruments. The products of the Music Methods are:
Courses for learning musical instruments
Administrative IT systems for education institutes
Training programmes for teachers and administrators
Although based on some of the traditional ways musical instruments are taught, the Harman Music Methods® incorporate new structures and processes that best encapsulate the learning and teaching processes.
The Harman Music Methods® is a relatively young system when compared to well- established music schools and systems such as the Yamaha Music School and the Suzuki School of Music.
Initiated in Paris in 1988 as a research project, How to Design Methods for Teaching Musical Instruments, by John Lambert Harman, the Harman Music Methods® were first applied at the designer's own music school, L'Association Harman Pour La Musique. In the early 1990s, parts of the programme were used to teach children and adults in various schools in London. It was later used in Denmark, notably in Copenhagen at Den Rytmiske Aftenskole (evening school for music students).
Teacher, Method Book, Student.
In the Harman Music Methods® system, the teacher and the method book are considered to be the most effective approach to teach a student to play an instrument on a high level. The Harman Music Methods® package provides method books for instrument courses and teacher-training programmes. It also provides management software to support IT infrastructures that allow education institutes to manage resources, students, and our courses.
Despite its highly structured approach to "method-book development" and teacher training, the Harman Music Methods® can be seen as a holistic music system that seamlessly and intuitively incorporates powerful learning processes. Its Music Framework allows these processes to be mapped onto different musical instruments. At present, the Harman Music Methods® flagship and blueprint programme is The Piano Course.
What’s unique.
There are several things that go into making the Harman Music Methods® one of the most original and successful music education programme designs available today:
Original Material.
The content used in the Harman Music Methods® consists of over a thousand original pieces and exercises written by John Lambert Harman. Strong melodies and the systematic development of rhythms, make the content accessible to both children and adults.
The musical styles include classical (neo), jazz and popular. Also included are the standard "classics" from the Baroque, Classical, Romantic and Modern periods: Mozart, Bach, Beethoven, Schumann, etc.
"Current flag-ship programme: Piano Courses For Children & Adults."
Although we include electronic instruments in our course design, we specialise in the acoustic instrument, and instruments associated with the "classical" orchestra.
Music Framework.
With a respect for the extraordinary invention and design that has gone into the creation of musical instruments, the Harman Music Methods® uses a design framework that allows for the implementation of fulfilling learning paths for both student and teacher. The design also allows the framework to be mapped onto different instruments.
Our music framework can be seen as a series of "best practices" for structuring curricula and organising theoretical and practical content. This "structuring" is done in a way that corresponds to a progressive "level" system: it enables the student to start with simple content and concepts, and progress through to more advanced material.